| 1 | 2 | | BAR Case | Consideration of Minutes from the January 18, 2023 Meeting | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 3 & 4 | | BAR Case | BAR#2022-00524 OHAD
Request for partial demolition/encapsulation at 424 S Lee Street
Applicant: Charles Enoch
BAR#2022-00526 OHAD
Request for addition and alterations at 424 S Lee Street
Applicant: Charles Enoch | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5 & 6 | | BAR Case | BAR #2022-00529 OHAD
Request for demolition/encapsulation at 329 N Washington Street
Applicant: Hershel Kleinberg and Lisa Cohen
BAR #2022-00530 OHAD
Request for alterations at 329 N Washington Street
Applicant: Hershel Kleinberg and Lisa Cohen | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7 & 8 | | BAR Case | BAR #2022-00577 OHAD
Request for partial demolition/encapsulation at 304 N St. Asaph Street
Applicant: Moore Construction Group
BAR #2022-00578 OHAD
Request for alterations at 304 N St. Asaph Street
Applicant: Moore Construction Group | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 9 | | BAR Case | Elections for BAR Chair and Vice-Chair | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | BAR Case | BAR #2022-000576 OHAD
Request for front door replacement at 208 S St Asaph Street
Applicant: Virginia L. Bennett and Scott M. Sekerke
BAR #2022-00575 OHAD
Request for signage at 210 N Lee Street Unit: 104
Applicant: Vilma Erb “Alicia”
BAR #2022-00567 OHAD
Request for window replacement at 420 S Fairfax Street
Applicant: Monica and David Popp
BAR #2023-00001 OHAD
Request for window and door replacement at 11 Keith’s Lane
Applicant: Karlen Murray/ Renewal by Andersen
BAR #2023-00010 OHAD
Request for gas pipe attachment at 604 S Fairfax Street
Applicant: Jason Walnetski
BAR #2023-00013 OHAD
Request for repointing partial front facing and side walls at 612 Duke Street
Applicant: Katherine Worley
BAR #2023-00018 PG
Request for signage at 325 N Henry Street
Applicant: David Vazquez | | |
Action details
Not available