Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Legislative Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/11/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Preliminary  
Location Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-2872 1  ResolutionApproval of Electronic Participation Resolution. [ROLL-CALL VOTE]   Not available Not available
25-2854 1 minutesMinutesReading and Acting Upon the Minutes of the Following Meetings of City Council: The Special Meeting Minutes of January 2, 2025; The Regular Meeting Minutes of January 14, 2025; The Public Hearing Meeting Minutes of January 25, 2025; and The Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2025.   Not available Not available
25-2735 15.Presentation of a Proclamation Declaring February as George Washington Celebration Month.ProclamationPresentation of a Proclamation Declaring February as George Washington Birthday Celebration Month   Not available Not available
25-2861 1  Oral Report*Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) (Mayor Gaskins) *City/Schools Subcommittee (Mayor Gaskins and Councilman Chapman) *Beautification Commission (Vice Mayor Bagley) * Council of Governments (COG) - Food and Agriculture Regional Member (FARM) Policy Committee (Councilwoman Greene)   Not available Not available
25-2849 16. ResignationsReceipt of the following resignations from Members of Boards, Commissions, and Committees: a) Commission on HIV/AIDS Carl Welliver b) Commission on Information Technology Jay Chauhan c) Health Systems Agency of Northern Virginia Michael J. Carrasco d) Historic Alexandria Resources Commission Rebecca Rose e) Human Rights Commission David Rigsby f) Landlord-Tenant Relations Board Elijah Dennis   Not available Not available
25-2843 17. AppointmentUncontested Appointments for Boards, Commissions, and Committees: a) Alexandria-Caen Sister Cities - 2-year term 2 citizen members b) Archaeological Commissions - 4-year term 1 At large member c) Beauregard Urban Design Advisory Committee - 2-year term 1 citizen member d) Beautification Commission - 2-year term 3 citizen members e) Commission on Employment - 2-year term 1 representative from a recognized area business including minority-owned and small businesses f) Economic Opportunities Commission - 2-year term 1 Category III - representatives of business industry, labor, religious, welfare or other private groups and interests certified by the Commission g) Historic Alexandria Resources Commission - 2-year term 1 Lease holding artists at the Torpedo Factory Arts Center h) Independent Community Policing Review Board - 3-year term 1 citizen member i) Public Health Advisory Commission - 2-year term 1 fire department representative 1 dentist practicing in the city nominated by the NOVA Dental Society j) Towing Advisory Board - 3-year term 1 c   Not available Not available
25-2741 18.Monthly Financial Report December 2024Written ReportConsideration of the Monthly Financial Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2024.   Not available Not available
25-2743 19. OrdinanceIntroduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of an ordinance to temporarily move the polling place in the George Mason School Precinct to Trinity United Methodist Church and temporarily rename the Precinct accordingly.   Not available Not available
25-2845 110. AppointmentAlexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority - 4-year term 1 citizen member   Not available Not available
25-2844 111. AppointmentCommunity Criminal Justice Board - 2-year term 1 citizen member   Not available Not available
25-2846 112. AppointmentEnvironmental Policy Commission -2-year term 1 citizen member   Not available Not available
25-2847 113. AppointmentLibrary Board -2-year term 2 citizen members   Not available Not available
25-2848 114. AppointmentPlanning Commission -4-year term 2 citizen members   Not available Not available
25-2770 115. Written ReportRelease of Stipend Contingency Funds for Individuals Currently Enrolled in Secondary Education on City Boards and Commissions   Not available Not available
25-2740 116.2025 Assessment ReportWritten ReportConsideration of the Calendar Year 2025 Real Property Assessments.   Not available Not available
25-2812 117. Written ReportFY 2026-27 DRAFT Long-Range Planning Interdepartmental Work Program.   Not available Not available
25-2805 118. OrdinanceIntroduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of an Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Temporary Designation of On-Street Parking Spaces in the 3800 Block of Mount Vernon Avenue for Vending.   Not available Not available
25-2806 119. ResolutionConsideration of Resolutions to Support Grant Applications for the Transportation Land-Use Connections Program and Regional Roadway Safety Program to the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. [ROLL-CALL VOTE]   Not available Not available
25-2820 121. Written ReportConsideration of City Council Schedule.   Not available Not available