| 1 | 4. | | Land Use and Development (Planning Commission Items) | Special Use Permit #2024-00089
1913 Mount Vernon Avenue Public Hearing and consideration of a Special Use Permit for a parking reduction for an outdoor garden center; zoned CL/Commercial low
Applicant: D. Jason Portlance
Planning Commission Action: Recommend Approval 7-0 | | |
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Not available
| 1 | 5. | | Land Use and Development (Planning Commission Items) | Special Use Permit #2024-00091
2701 Cameron Mills Road
526 Monticello Boulevard Public Hearing and consideration of a Special Use Permit for a cemetery and lot modifications; zoned R-8/Residential
Applicant: Westminster Presbyterian Church of Alexandria, Inc.
Planning Commission Action: Recommend Approval 6-0-1 | | |
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Not available
| 1 | 6. | | Land Use and Development (Planning Commission Items) | Zoning Text Amendment #2025-00001
(A) Initiation of and (B) Public Hearing and consideration of a Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to: (1) correct technical errors and unintentional omissions in Articles II, III, IV, V, VII, and XI; (2) amend Sections 4-500 and 6-700 to increase height and FAR limits for public buildings constructed prior to January 24, 1998 in the Commercial District (CD) and King Street Retail (KR) zones; (3) amend Section 7-200 to allow fences up to 10 feet in height in required side or rear yards when a subject property immediately abuts a lot developed with a nonresidential use and to clarify that wall mounted mechanical equipment may be located in a required side or rear yard; (4) amend Section 11-400 to allow additions less than 3,000 square feet to be exempt from Site Plan requirements; (5) amend Sections 12-200 and 12-300 to clarify that a public building constructed prior to June 24, 1998 is not a nonconforming use, that such public building is a noncomplying use, and that such use may be expanded without Special Use Permit approval; and (6) to ame | | |
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| 1 | 7. | | Ordinance | Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of an Ordinance to amend and reordain Article VII (SUPPLEMENTAL ZONE REGULATIONS) to delete Section 7-203(B)(7) (ACCESSORY DWELLINGS) and add Sections 7-302 (SHORT-TERM RESIDENTIAL RENTALS) and 7-1400 (SHORT-TERM RESIDENTIAL RENTALS) of the City of Alexandria Zoning Ordinance, in accordance with the text amendment heretofore approved by city council as Text Amendment No. 2024-00011 (Implementation Ordinance for Text Amendment No. 2024-00011 associated with short-term residential rental regulations approved by City Council on February 22, 2025). [ROLL-CALL VOTE] | | |
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| 1 | 8. | | Ordinance | Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of an Ordinance to vacate a portion of the public right-of-way at North Clarens Street, adjacent to the property at 1 & 2 North Clarens Street (VAC No. 2024-00007) (Implementation Ordinance for Vacation No. 2024-00007 associated with Clarens Estates approved by City Council on February 22, 2025). {ROLL-CALL VOTE] | | |
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| 1 | 9. | | Ordinance | Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of an Ordinance to amend and reordain Section 1-1-11 of Chapter 1 (USE AND INTRODUCTION) of Title 1 (GENERAL PROVISIONS) of the Code of the City of Alexandria, Virginia, 1981, as amended, [ROLL-CALL VOTE] | | |
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| 1 | 10. | | Ordinance | Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of an Ordinance to amend Section 5-6-224 (Method of Storm and Subsoil Water Disposal) of Subdivision J (Miscellaneous Provisions) of Article B (SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND DRAINS) of Chapter 6 (Water and Sewer) of Title 5 (Transportation And Environmental Services) to Transfer Signature Authority. [ROLL-CALL VOTE] | | |
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| 1 | 11. | | Written Report | Public Hearing on the City Manager's Proposed Annual Operating Budget for FY 2026 (including Schools) and the Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for FY 2026 to FY 2035 (including Schools CIP), and Proposed Tax Rate Recommendations. | | |
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| 1 | 12. | | Land Use and Development (Planning Commission Items) | Zoning Text Amendment #2025-00002
Coordinated Development District Concept Plan #2023-00003
CDD #21 Amendment
1250, 1350, 1460-1470A, 1500, 1600, 1800, 1900, 2000 N Beauregard St.
5066, 5105, 5106, 5115, 5118, 5121, 5129 Fairbanks Rd.
2618, 2623, 2627, 2641, 2638, 2648, 2658 Foster Ave.
5741 Leverett Ct.
5650 Rayburn Ave.
5501, 5600, 5711, 5900A Sanger Ave.
5055, 5143, 5165, 5173, 5183 Seminary Rd.
5443A Sheffield Ct.
(A) Initiation of and Public Hearing and consideration of a Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to amend Section 5-602 replacing references to the Beauregard Small Area Plan with the AlexWest Small Area Plan and (C) Public Hearing and consideration of an amendment to Coordinated Development District Concept Plan #21, including for the Adams Neighborhood, to align with the AlexWest Small Area Plan, zoned CDD #21/Coordinated Development District #21.
Applicants: City of Alexandria (Text Amendment); 1900 Beauregard Property Owner, LLC, represented by Kenneth W. Wire, Attorney; Alexandria Development Associates, LLC, represented by Kenneth W. Wire | | |
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| 1 | 13. | | Land Use and Development (Planning Commission Items) | Zoning Text Amendment #2024-00010
(A) Initiation of a Text Amendment and (B) Public Hearing and consideration of a Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to amend Article IX Signs
Applicant: City of Alexandria, Department of Planning & Zoning
Planning Commission Action: Recommend Approval 5-0 | | |
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Not available
| 1 | 14. | | Land Use and Development (Planning Commission Items) | Zoning Ordinance Subdivision cases are heard by the Planning Commission, placed on the City Council docket for information, and heard by City Council only upon appeal. Subdivision #2024-00018
29 E Reed Avenue Public Hearing and consideration of a request for a Subdivision to re-subdivide an existing lot into two lots; zoned RB/Residential
Applicant: Classic Cottages, LLC
Planning Commission Action: Approved 7-0 | | |
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Not available
| 1 | 15. | | Land Use and Development (Planning Commission Items) | Development Site Plans are heard by the Planning Commission, placed on the City Council docket for information, and heard by City Council only upon appeal.
Development Site Plan Amendment #2025-00003
3830 Seminary Road Public Hearing and consideration of a Development Site Plan for a religious building to modify the front yard setback and to construct a fence (amending SIT68-010); zoned R-20/Residential
Applicant: Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Planning Commission Action: Approved 4-3 | | |
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Not available