| 1 | | 2807 Old Dominion Blvd | BZA Case | BZA #2025-00002
2807 Old Dominion Boulevard
Public Hearing and consideration of a request for a Special Exception to construct a second-story and rear addition in the required side yard; zoned: R-8/Residential
Applicant: Jane O’Connell Seward | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | 523 Tennessee Ave | BZA Case | BZA #2025-00003
523 Tennessee Avenue
Public Hearing and consideration of a request for a Variance to construct a two-story addition in the required side yards; zoned: R-8/Residential
Applicant: Conrad Symber | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | BZA Case | Election of Board Officers for Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary | | |
Not available
Not available