File #: 25-2486    Name:
Type: BAR Case Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 9/27/2024 In control: Board of Architectural Review
On agenda: 12/18/2024 Final action:
Title: BAR#2024-00349 - OHAD Request for alterations at 411 Prince Street. Applicant: Matthew McBrady, represented by Tatiana Rodriguez BAR#2024-00350 - OHAD Request for partial demolition and encapsulation at 411 Prince Street. Applicant: Matthew McBrady, represented by Tatiana Rodriguez
Attachments: 1. BAR2024-00349 BAR2024-00350 Staff Report 12.18.24


BAR#2024-00349 - OHAD
Request for alterations at 411 Prince Street.
Applicant: Matthew McBrady, represented by Tatiana Rodriguez

BAR#2024-00350 - OHAD
Request for partial demolition and encapsulation at 411 Prince Street.
Applicant: Matthew McBrady, represented by Tatiana Rodriguez