Rezoning #2022-00006
Development Special Use Permit #2022-10011
Transportation Management Plan Special Use Permit #2022-00053
615, 615A and 621 King Street
Public Hearing and consideration of a request for (A) a Rezoning of a portion of the property from CD / Commercial Downtown to KR / King Street Retail; (B) a Development Special Use Permit and Site Plan with modifications to construct a 24-unit multifamily building with ground-floor commercial uses and the rehabilitation of two historic buildings for commercial use, including Special Use Permits to increase the FAR up to 2.5 in the KR zone, to permit a personal service establishment with more than 30 linear feet of frontage on King Street, a Parking Reduction from 32 to zero parking spaces, and a loading space reduction from one to zero loading spaces for the commercial uses; and (C) a Special Use Permit for a transportation management plan; zoned KR / King Street Retail and CD / Commercial Downtown.
Applicant: The Silverman Gr...