Zoning Text Amendment #2025-00001
(A) Initiation of and (B) Public Hearing and consideration of a Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to: (1) correct technical errors and unintentional omissions in Articles II, III, IV, V, VII, and XI; (2) amend Sections 4-500 and 6-700 to increase height and FAR limits for public buildings constructed prior to January 24, 1998 in the Commercial District (CD) and King Street Retail (KR) zones; (3) amend Section 7-200 to allow fences up to 10 feet in height in required side or rear yards when a subject property immediately abuts a lot developed with a nonresidential use and to clarify that wall mounted mechanical equipment may be located in a required side or rear yard; (4) amend Section 11-400 to allow additions less than 3,000 square feet to be exempt from Site Plan requirements; (5) amend Sections 12-200 and 12-300 to clarify that a public building constructed prior to June 24, 1998 is not a nonconforming use, that such public building is a nonc...