Zoning Text Amendment #2022-00004
Auxiliary Dwelling Units in Commercial Zones
Initiation of a text amendment and public hearing and consideration of a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to add the definition for auxiliary dwellings in section 2-136.2; change the code number reference for co-living dwellings; to amend Sections 4-100, 4-200, 4-300, 4-400, 4-500, 4-600, 4-800, 4-900, 4-1000, 5-100, 5-200, 5-300, 5-400, 5-500, and 6-700 to make auxiliary dwellings a permitted use and establish the standards for auxiliary dwellings; to allow auxiliary dwellings in the NR zone under Section 4-1400; and to amend Section 8-200 to establish parking requirements for auxiliary dwellings.
Staff: City of Alexandria, Department of Planning & Zoning
Planning Commission Action: Recommended Approval 7-0