File #: 25-2867    Name:
Type: Land Use and Development (Planning Commission Items) Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/7/2025 In control: City Council Public Hearing
On agenda: 2/22/2025 Final action:
Title: Zoning Ordinance Subdivision cases and Development Site Plans are heard by the Planning Commission, placed on the City Council docket for information, and heard by City Council only upon appeal. **Please note that the Vacation case listed below will be considered by City Council.** Development Site Plan #2024-00016 Subdivision #2024-00011 Vacation #2024-00007 Clarens Estates - 1 & 2 N. Clarens Street Public Hearing and consideration of requests for: a Development Site Plan with modifications to construct six detached homes, a Subdivision to create six new lots, two outlots, and dedicate right-of-way; and to vacate a portion of the N. Clarens Street public right-of-way, zoned; R-20 Residential. Applicant: Clarens Estates, LLC, represented by M. Catharine Puskar, attorney Planning Commission Action: Recommend Approval 7-0
Attachments: 1. DSP2024-00016 Clarens Estates Staff Report, 2. DSP2024-00016 Clarens Estates Presentation

Zoning Ordinance Subdivision cases and Development Site Plans are heard by the Planning Commission, placed on the City Council docket for information, and heard by City Council only upon appeal.

**Please note that the Vacation case listed below will be considered by City Council.**
Development Site Plan #2024-00016 
Subdivision #2024-00011 
Vacation #2024-00007 
Clarens Estates - 1 & 2 N. Clarens Street 
Public Hearing and consideration of requests for: a Development Site Plan with modifications to construct six detached homes, a Subdivision to create six new lots, two outlots, and dedicate right-of-way; and to vacate a portion of the N. Clarens Street public right-of-way, zoned; R-20 Residential. 
Applicant: Clarens Estates, LLC, represented by M. Catharine Puskar, attorney

Planning Commission Action: Recommend Approval 7-0