Zoning Ordinance Subdivision cases and Development Site Plans are heard by the Planning Commission, placed on the City Council docket for information, and heard by City Council only upon appeal.
**Please note that the Vacation case listed below will be considered by City Council.**
Development Site Plan #2024-00016
Subdivision #2024-00011
Vacation #2024-00007
Clarens Estates - 1 & 2 N. Clarens Street
Public Hearing and consideration of requests for: a Development Site Plan with modifications to construct six detached homes, a Subdivision to create six new lots, two outlots, and dedicate right-of-way; and to vacate a portion of the N. Clarens Street public right-of-way, zoned; R-20 Residential.
Applicant: Clarens Estates, LLC, represented by M. Catharine Puskar, attorney
Planning Commission Action: Recommend Approval 7-0