File #: 22-0835    Name: Pension Board Mgt Rep
Type: Written Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/3/2022 In control: City Council Legislative Meeting
On agenda: 3/8/2022 Final action:
Title: Consideration of the Appointment of a Management Representative to the City of Alexandria Supplemental Retirement Board and Firefighters and Police Officers Pension Board.

City of Alexandria, Virginia






DATE:                     MARCH 1, 2022


TO:                                          THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL


FROM:                     JAMES F. PARAJON, CITY MANAGER   /s/


DOCKET TITLE:                     


Consideration of the Appointment of a Management Representative to the City of Alexandria Supplemental Retirement Board and Firefighters and Police Officers Pension Board.




ISSUE:  There are two similar issues presented for Council consideration: 1) Appointment of a Management Representative to the City of Alexandria Firefighters and Police Officers Pension Board (“Fire & Police Board”) and 2) Appointment of a Management Representative to the Retirement Board of the City of Alexandria Supplemental Retirement Plan (“Supplemental Board”).




1.                     That City Council appoint the following individual to the newly vacant Management Alternate Representative position on the City of Alexandria Firefighters and Police Officers Pension Board and the Supplemental Retirement Board:


                     Jesse Maines, Division Chief, Transportation and Environmental Services.


BACKGROUND:  The Fire & Police Board consists of eight members and three alternates. The Supplemental Board consists of eight members and five alternates.  Both Boards serve as the trustees and fiduciaries of their respective plans and assets.  Both Boards act for the City on matters concerning the Plan’s assets, including selecting and monitoring investment funds and appointing investment managers, custodians, and advisors.  Both Boards are also charged with consulting with City management to recommend modifications to the Plan.  Both Plans require board meetings to be held quarterly, but meetings are generally held more often. 


DISCUSSION:  City Council has the authority to appoint Fire & Police Board members.  The board members are either nominated by the City Manager or elected by the Voting Participants, which include active sworn Firefighters and Police Officers as well as retired and deferred vested plan participants who were sworn Firefighters or Police Officers.  The City Manager nominates four Management Representatives and one Management Alternate to act on behalf of City management. Firefighters nominate and elect through secret ballot two Participant Representatives and one Alternate.  Police Officers also nominate and elect through secret ballot two Participant Representatives and one Alternate.  In the event that City Council does not appoint a representative nominated by the City Manager or the Voting Participants, the nomination and election process must be repeated until all board member positions are filled. 


City Council has the authority to appoint Supplemental Board members.  The members are either nominated by the City Manager or elected by the Supplemental Board trustees.  The City Manager nominates four Management Representatives and one Management Alternate Representative to act on behalf of City management. The Supplemental Board Employee Representatives include: two General Schedule Employees, one Deputy Sheriff, and one Medic/Fire Marshal.  Each Employee Representative has an Alternate.  In the event that City Council does not appoint a representative nominated by the City Manager or the Board trustees, the nomination process must be repeated until all Board member positions are filled.  Staff will be returning at a future meeting with a recommended employee to be the Alternate Representative.


Current Management Representatives for the Firefighters and Police Officers Pension Board and the Supplemental Retirement Board are:


Jean Kelleher, Director, Office of Human Rights

Laura Triggs, Deputy City Manager, City Manager’s Office

Sharon Vaughan-Roach, Assistant Director, Center for Operations, DCHS

Proposed Jesse Maines, Division Chief, Transportation and Environmental Services.


Current Employee Representatives of the Firefighters and Police Officers Pension Board are:


Name                                                                                                                                                                                              Term Expires


                     Patrick Evans (Representative)                                                                                                         12/31/2022

                     Ricky Muse (Alternate)                                                                                                                              12/31/2022

Dylan Kempton (Representative)                                                                                                         12/31/2024


Name                                                                                                                                                                                             Term Expires

Police Officers                                          

                     Edward Milner (Representative)                                                                                                         12/31/2022

                     Shirl Mammarella (Alternate)                                                                                                                              12/31/2022

                     Jason North (Representative)                                                                                                                              12/31/2024


Current Employee Representatives of the Supplemental Retirement Board are:


Name                                                                                                                                                                                             Term Expires                                          

General Schedule                                           

Lyndia Barbieri-Strain (Representative)                                                                                    12/31/2022

Lillian Vagnoni (Alternate)                                                                                                                              12/31/2022

Jina Edwards (Representative)                                                                                                         12/31/2024

Vacant Position (Alternate)                                                                                                                              12/31/2024                                          


Name                                                                                                                                                                                             Term Expires

Medic /Fire Marshal                     

James Mikell (Representative)                                                                                                         12/31/2024

Kelsea Bonkoski (Alternate)                                                                                                                              12/31/2024


Name                                                                                                                                                                                             Term Expires

Deputy Sheriff                                           

Robert Gilmore (Representative)                                                                                                         12/31/2022

Valarie Wright (Alternate)                                                                                                                              12/31/2022


We are recommending the appointment of Jesse Maines to both the City of Alexandria Firefighters and Police Officers Pension Board and the Supplemental Retirement Board. Staff requests that City Council appoint Mr. Maines to both Boards effective January 1, 2022. 


After appointment, Mr. Maines will remain on both boards until removed by City Council or ending his employment.







Laura Triggs, Deputy City Manager

Kendel Taylor, Finance Director, Finance

Kadira Coley, Retirement Administrator, Finance