Consideration of a Resolution to Apply for a Competitive Grant Application to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) for the FY 2024 State of Good Repair Program. [ROLL-CALL VOTE]
City of Alexandria, Virginia
Consideration of a Resolution to Apply for a Competitive Grant Application to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) for the FY 2024 State of Good Repair Program. [ROLL-CALL VOTE]
ISSUE: Consideration of a resolution to apply for a competitive grant application to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) for funding up to $400,000 for the resurfacing of primary route extensions.
RECOMMENDATION: That City Council:
(1) Adopt the resolution (Attachment 1) to apply for up to $400,000 from the VDOT State of Good Repair (SGR) program for the resurfacing of City-maintained primary route extensions;
(2) Commit up to $50,000 for any expenditure increases exceeding the original project estimates or awarded grant amounts to fund the resurfacing of roadway network segment: King Street from South Peyton Street to Washington Street; and
(3) Authorize the City Manager to submit this resolution and enter into any agreements with VDOT that may be required to receive these funds should the requested allocation be approved.
BACKGROUND: VDOT provides grant funding for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of deteriorated roads through its State of Good Repair (SGR) program. This funding is available for roads maintained by VDOT and those that are locally maintained/owned. Allocation is need-based.
The SGR program includes funding for roads called 'Primary Extensions' which are routes maintained by municipalities that carry a primary route number for continuity. In Alexandria, examples include Duke Street (Route 236) and Van Dorn Street (Route 401). VDOT estimates that approximately 55% of primary roads in Northern Virginia localities are deficient and funds have been made available to such routes with a Critical Condition Index (CCI) of less than 60. This VDOT-specific score is consistent with the City's Pavement Critical Condition Index which was updated as part of a citywide survey in 2019. The funding is intended to supplement the current level of funding by localities. No local match is required.
In FY 2021, the SGR program became federalized requiring contracts to adhere to federal procurement requirements. All projects that receive funding must be underway (with construction contracts awarded) within 12 months of approval or be subject to deallocation. The last SGR application was approved by Council in November 2021. These funds will be spent on time by next summer.
DISCUSSION: In FY 2020, VDOT completed a pavement management inventory in which a condition assessment was performed on primary extension routes statewide, including those in Alexandria. This system, much like the citywide Pavement Condition Index (PCI) performed by T&ES in 2019, resulted in a condition index score assigned to each route. The streets eligible for funding through this grant are identified by VDOT and are limited to major arterials that have a low PCI rating. T&ES staff compared the VDOT CCI scores with the City's proposed three-year paving schedule from the FY 2024 through FY 2034 approved Capital Improvement Program, which are based on PCI scoring, to identify the streets eligible for the FY 2023 grant cycle.
Given these VDOT parameters, staff identified one (1) section of roadway that has reached its useful life and need rehabilitation:
* King Street - (Eastbound and Westbound Lanes) from South Peyton Street to South Washington Street.
FISCAL IMPACT: SGR projects do not require a local match; however, the application reflects the total cost up to $400,000, which is the estimated project application amount. The total project cost includes an additional $50,000, which would be included in the FY 2024 CIP request for major street resurfacing. Funding of this grant will allow the City to repair these sections of roadway with state and direct local street maintenance funds and complete other necessary projects.
ATTACHMENT: Resolution
Morgan Routt, Budget Director, Office of Management and Budget
Philip Pugh, Deputy Director, Public Works, T&ES
Tarrence Moorer, Assistant Director, Internal Services, T&ES
Mary A. Winston, Division Chief, Public Works, T&ES