City of Alexandria, Virginia
DATE: JUNE 18, 2024
Acceptance of the Community Mental Health Services Block Grant award to the Alexandria Community Services Board (ACSB) in the Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) from the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) for the implementation and ongoing operation of the Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) for adults with a serious mental illness.
ISSUE: City Council’s acceptance of the Community Mental Health Services Block Grant award from the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) for the Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) to expand the ongoing operation of the Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) for adults with a serious mental illness.
1. Authorize the acceptance of the grant award for funding to DCHS in the amount of $1,742,699 for the duration of this fiscal year (FY 2024) and on-going thereafter with no match required. The funding will cover three positions for DCHS and three positions for the Office of Housing to carry out the project. The positions are: one Administrative Support Manager, one Fiscal Officer I, one Housing Program Manager, one Referral Specialist and two Human Services Specialist II . These dollars will be on-going, base budgeted dollars from the State’s general fund dollars. Additionally, the funding will cover the cost of rent for 35 Alexandrians with a serious mental illness (SMI) at the 50% adjusted market rent (AMR) while also covering the pre-leasing costs including rental application fees, rental, and utility deposits, bedding and basic and housing supplies.
2. Approve the addition of one full-time Administrative Support Manager (1-FTE), one full time Fiscal Officer I (1-FTE), one full-time Housing Program Manager (1-FTE), one full-time Referral Specialist (1-FTE) and two full time Human Services Specialist II (2-FTEs) positions that will be fully supported (including benefits cost) by the award from the Department of DBHDS; and
3. Authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents that may be required.
DBHDS contacted the Executive Director for the Alexandria Community Services Board (ACSB) in September 2023 to discuss expanding the number of permanent supported housing units available in Alexandria. ACSB’s partnership with DBHDS and non-profit supported housing providers (Pathway Homes and Gateway Homes) for more than ten years has been acknowledged by DBHDS for their efforts in providing housing to adults with a SMI. Through discussions over several months with DBHDS, DCHS, and the Office of Housing, it was decided DBHDS would award ACSB funding to help pay for private rental units up to the 50% average monthly rate (AMR) for Alexandrians who meet the SMI diagnostic criteria.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is an evidenced-based national model designed to provide housing stability and supportive services for individuals who meet SMI diagnostic criteria. DBHDS currently awards the ACSB funding to provide PSH to Alexandrians, this funding is expanding the scope and number of individuals who will be served.
ACSB staff will work with the Office of Housing to manage this project and to ensure coordination among the six positions. The Administrative Support Manager will assist with coordinating the referrals from ACSB to the Office of Housing and day-to-day operational needs of the program. The Fiscal Officer I position will be responsible for monitoring the payments and tracking the funds usage for assistance in reporting to DBHDS. The Housing Program Manager will supervise the team of housing navigators, collect data, and prepare reports for DCHS to submit to DBHDS, and will assist in coordinating the referrals from ACSB to the Office of Housing. The Referral Specialist will solicit and collect referrals, required documents to support housing need, coordinate with housing support team, and arrange for apartment furnishings. The Human Services Specialist II positions will work with individuals to help them locate housing units within the City and they will assist the individuals with all aspects of leasing the unit, assist the individuals with landlord/tenant discussions and will work with DBHDS staff to use the State funding to assist with any pre-financial needs to rent the unit to include rental and utility deposits and application fees. The funding provided by DBHDS will also cover one-time funds for personal housing essentials such as bedding, furniture, and basic kitchen needs. It is noted that Housing currently supports a similar program with DBHDS which helps place persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities into housing on the Alexandria market. Ten households are currently served.
The budget for this award is $1,742,699. The award period is May 29, 2024, through June 30, 2025, with no required matching funds. The State is paying for the staffing (to include benefits costs) for the general administrative costs associated with this award. These costs include financial and reporting oversight provided by DCHS, the administering agency. The three positions funded by DBHDS along with the supervisor position in the Office of Housing will cover these functions.
This funding will be used for personnel, grant required training and support for the implementation and ongoing service provision. This funding will pay for one new full-time Administrative Support Supervisor (1-FTE), one new full-time Fiscal Officer I (1-FTE), one new full-time Housing Program Supervisor (1-FTE), one full-time Referral Specialist (1-FTE), and two Human Services II (2-FTEs). Additionally, the funding will provide pre-leasing expenditures for 35 Alexandrians and housing subsidy dollars to assist in paying the rent in the 50% AMR. This funding will become a part of the base budget funding contained within the State’s Performance Contract with the Alexandria CSB.
Alethea Predeoux, Deputy City Manager
Kate Garvey, Director, Department of Community and Human Services
Phil Caldwell, Director, Center for Adult Services/Executive Director of the Alexandria CSB, DCHS
Bill Rooney, Assistant Director, Community Support Services, DCHS
Morgan Routt, Director, Office of Management and Budget
Helen McIlvaine, Director, Office of Housing
Eric Keeler, Deputy Director, Office of Housing