File #: 25-2738    Name:
Type: Grant Application Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 12/19/2024 In control: City Council Legislative Meeting
On agenda: 1/14/2025 Final action:
Title: Acceptance of a grant award from the Camber Collective to the Center for Economic Support in the Department of Community and Human Services.
Attachments: 1. 25-2738_Presentation - Camber Grant

City of Alexandria, Virginia






DATE:                     JANUARY 8, 2025


TO:                                          THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL






DOCKET TITLE:                     


Acceptance of a grant award from the Camber Collective to the Center for Economic Support in the Department of Community and Human Services.




ISSUE: City Council’s acceptance of the Department of Community and Human Services’ (DCHS) grant award for the Center for Economic Support (CES) to design, launch, and evaluate a digital narrative change communication pilot.


RECOMMENDATION:  That City Council:


1.                     Authorize the retroactive acceptance of the grant award for funding to DCHS in the amount of $30,000 for the Camber Collective Narrative Change grant, duration of four (4) months with no match required, to design and launch a digital pilot initiative for narrative change; and


2.                     Authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents that may be required.


BACKGROUND: The grant supports the design, launch, measurement, and evaluation of a digital narrative change pilot to address and shift harmful and false narratives about why people experience poverty. This grant enables the DCHS Communications and CES program team to receive technical assistance from the Camber Collective and $30,000 to plan and launch a digital narrative change campaign. This funding from the Camber Collective will allow for a more strategic, inclusive communication plan. This plan will result in the production and dissemination of communication materials, aimed at accessing critical mass and intended audience of the community.



DISCUSSION: Existing misperceptions and long-standing harmful tropes prevalent in popular culture and media can distort and limit the design of policies and programs intended to support economic mobility.  Economic mobility initiatives are an opportunity to replace harmful narratives with a more factual and humanized public understanding of why people experience poverty. The grant includes technical assistance in the form of four workshops with a cohort of four other localities and one-on-one advisory between Camber Collective and CES staff. The grant also provides $30,000 to support the needs of the narrative change pilot. The grant will be executed in three key phases:


                     Designing a Narrative Change Pilot: Build a comprehensive strategy that includes identifying key messages and stories, target audiences, and channels through which the narrative will be communicated and defining the new narrative.

                     Executing the Pilot: Implement narrative change strategy by creating and distributing online content that engages the target audience(s) across strategically selected digital platforms. This could involve producing audio, video, or text materials and leveraging other digital tools that strengthen the reach and accessibility of the message.

                     Measuring and Evaluating the Pilot: Assess the effectiveness of the initiative by setting up key performance indicators (KPIs), collecting data on audience engagement, and measuring shifts in perceptions or behaviors. Utilize this data to refine the approach and improve the long-term narrative impact of the initiative.


Participation in this grant award allows DCHS Communications and program staff to elevate the economic mobility communication plan, make it more strategic, language inclusive, broader in reach, and distribute a more polished communication product. DCHS will partner with OCCE and community-based organizations to amplify messages so that community members hear them from trusted messengers in their own communities.  This grant is consistent with two of the five City Council Priorities, including Eliminating Community Disparities and promoting Economic Strength.


FISCAL IMPACT:  The budget for this grant is $30,000 and will not require any additional FTEs. There is no matching funds required. The City is responsible for the normal administrative costs associated with this grant.  These costs include financial and reporting oversight provided by DCHS, the administering agency.  Existing administrative staff will provide these functions. Grant funding will be used for personnel, translation and design services, and supplies/materials.





Alethea Predeoux, Deputy City Manager

Federico Gutierrez, Deputy Director, Department of Community and Human Services

Lesa Gilbert, Director, Center for Economic Support, Department of Community and Human Services