City of Alexandria, Virginia
Release of Stipend Contingency Funds for Individuals Currently Enrolled in Secondary Education on City Boards and Commissions
ISSUE: Release of Contingency Funds to provide student members of boards and commissions with stipend for participation on boards and commissions.
RECOMMENDATION: That City Council:
Allocate Contingency Funds in the amount of $5,000 to be available for a stipend for students participating in boards and commissions.
BACKGROUND: As part of the FY 2025 Add/Delete process, City Council added $5,000 for staff to develop and present to Council a proposal for a Boards, Commissions, and Committees stipend program for young Alexandrians. The proposal should address such questions as who would be eligible and why; how access, equity, and volunteerism would be considered; and how the program would be implemented.
DISCUSSION: Under Virginia Code Section 15.2-1411, the City Council is authorized to reimburse members for actual expenses incurred while serving on a board, commission, or committee. Additionally, the Council may provide compensation for attendance at regularly scheduled meetings.
While the Council has the legal authority to provide stipends for board, commission, or committee service, it is important that the stipends be provided in a non-discriminatory and equitable manner. The government generally cannot treat individuals differently based upon their age. A legally defensible and equitable approach involves authorizing stipends for individuals who meet the following criteria during their service:
• Enrollment in a secondary school, trade school, college, or graduate-level courses.
• Annual income not exceeding $5,000, excluding income from student loans.
This criterion is inclusive of youth, and, in a broader approach, individuals interested in being civically engaged, but with fewer resources and opportunities to attend multiple meetings throughout the year.
The City Clerk has identified 15 current members serving on City Boards, Commissions, or Committees who are students or hold positions designated for youth, students, or young adults. This recommended stipend program would cover these members while also expanding eligibility to other individuals in educational pursuits who may face financial barriers to participation.
The proposed stipend is $25 per meeting, up to 10 meetings, based on verified attendance at scheduled meetings. The stipend program will require board member applicants to indicate if they are students with an annual income not exceeding $5,000 by checking a box on their application. Selected members will sign an attestation during onboarding to confirm their eligibility. Stipends will be disbursed twice during a one-year term: the first installment will be issued after six months of full attendance, and the second installment at the end of the term. To receive payment, students must sign a statement confirming their participation, student status, and address. The Board or Commission staff liaison will then submit this statement for processing and fund disbursement.
This program aims to enhance inclusivity and reduce financial barriers for students participating in City boards, commissions, and committees.
FISCAL IMPACT: This request allocates $5,000 in FY 2025 Stipend Contingency funds to a non-departmental account, to be redistributed to departments with qualifying commission and board members.
Cheran Ivery, City Attorney
Bonnie Brown, Deputy City Attorney
Dana Wedeles, Strategic Initiatives Officer, City Manager’s Office
Gloria Sitton, City Clerk and Clerk of the Council