City of Alexandria, Virginia
DATE: APRIL 18, 2023
Consideration of the Draft City Fiscal Year 2024 Action Plan for Housing and Community Development.
ISSUE: Consideration of the Draft City Fiscal Year (CFY) 2024 Action Plan for Housing and Community Development.
RECOMMENDATION: That City Council:
1. Receive and approve the Draft CFY 2024 Action Plan for Housing and Community Development (“Draft Action Plan”), containing the City’s draft application for CFY 2024 funding for $1,094,483 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) monies and $712,411 in Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) monies; and
2. Authorize the City Manager to execute any documents required to facilitate receipt of these funds and any related federal grant funds.
BACKGROUND: The Office of Housing prepares the information included in the Action Plans in consultation with City departments, such as the Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS), the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA), the City of Alexandria Partnership to Prevent and End Homelessness, and numerous agencies and nonprofit organizations that provide services for very low-, low- and moderate-income persons. Several Plans adopted by City Council and other Boards and Commissions (e.g., Housing Master Plan, ARHA Strategic Plan, Aging Plan, Child and Youth Master Plan), provide an excellent roadmap of the activities, services, and resources the City will be dedicating funds to for various objectives of interest to HUD.
The Draft CFY 2024 Action Plan and Draft Amendment were released on March 20 for the required 30-day public comment period, which will end on April 21. The Draft Action Plan also contains the City’s applications for $1,094,483 in CDBG funds and $712,411 in HOME Program funds. The majority of CDBG funds ($727,688) are proposed for the use of two building rehabilitation programs: the Home Rehabilitation Loan Program, which assists low-income homeowners with extending the useful life of their homes, and the Rental Property Rehabilitation Program, which provides affordable apartment buildings with funding to rehabilitate those buildings and maintain their affordability. HOME funds are proposed to be split between the Housing Opportunities Fund Program, which funds affordable housing production, and the Home Loan Rehabilitation Program. The remaining use of the CDBG and HOME funds is described on page 5 of the Resident Summary.
The CFY 2024 CDBG and HOME funding levels presented in the Draft CFY 2024 Action Plan and Resident Summary are based on the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2023 Approved Budget. The federally required 25% local matching funds for the HOME program will be accomplished by pairing federal HOME funds with the City’s Housing Trust.
Release of Alexandria’s Draft Action Plan was announced by notices placed in local newspapers, on the City’s Affordable Housing eNews mailing list, and on social media. The Draft Resident Summary of the Action Plan was distributed to a host of interested parties on March 20 via email. This document is a concise summary of the objectives and anticipated outcomes in the Draft Action Plan. It has been prepared to provide highlights of planned federally funded program activities, as well as to demonstrate the City’s anticipated initiatives to leverage local, state, federal and private resources to support programs that serve and empower the very low-, low-, and moderate-income targeted populations in the Alexandria community, as reported in the CFY 2022 to 2026 Consolidated Plan submitted online to HUD in May 2021.
The Draft Resident Summary and the complete Draft Action Plan are posted on the City’s website at, and hard copies are available at City libraries and the Office of Housing. The Draft Resident Summary was presented to the Alexandria Housing Affordability Advisory Committee (AHAAC) at its April 6 meeting followed by a Public Hearing on the Draft Plan. Comments could also be submitted directly to the Office of Housing via postal mail or by email to the Office of Housing. The proposed Action Plan is required to be filed with HUD by May 15 (forty-five days before the beginning of the program year).
DISCUSSION: The City of Alexandria’s 2022 to 2026 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development has been prepared in accordance with regulations set forth by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These regulations require that participants in certain HUD programs including, but not limited to, the CDBG and HOME programs, submit an annual Action Plan to provide a concise summary of the actions, activities, and specific federal and non-federal resources that will be used each year of its current five-year Consolidated Plan period to address the priority needs and goals identified by the Consolidated Plan.
The Draft Action Plan describes the City’s specific objectives to be undertaken or accomplished during CFY 2024 to address the overall needs for affordable housing, shelters and services for the homeless, housing for persons with special needs, and community and economic development. The Draft Action Plan is the third Action Plan prepared for the CFY 2022 to 2026 Consolidated Plan period and is consistent with on-going program activities as well as core services included in the City Manager’s Proposed CFY 2024 Budget. A Resident Summary of the Draft Action Plan is provided as an attachment.
FISCAL IMPACT: Upon its approval of the CFY 2024 Action Plan for Housing and Community Development, HUD will appropriate a total of $1,806,894 in new federal funding to the City for CFY 2024, including $1,094,483 in CDBG funds and $712,411 in HOME Program funds. The proposed uses are consistent with the City Manager’s CFY 2024 proposed budget.
1. Resident Summary of the Draft CFY 2024 Action Plan for Housing and Community Development
2. Presentation - Draft Annual Action Plan CFY 2024
Emily A. Baker, Deputy City Manager
Eric Keeler, Deputy Director, Office of Housing
Kimberly Cadena, Housing Analyst, Office of Housing